The date of the: April 26, 2024

Location: Vitebsk

Phone: +375 (212) 37-13-34
Phone: +375 (29) 712-71-04
Fax: +375 (212) 37-49-59
E-mail: sno@vsu.by

The purpose of the conference: popularization of science among young people, creation of the platform for the exchange of experience and implementation of inter-university scientific, technological and innovation projects of young scientists in priority areas of science and technology development, talented youth support.

Students and master students are invited to participate in the conference.

Conference languages: Russian, Belarussian, English.

Informational letter

Scientific areas of the conference

  • Mathematical modeling of systems, structures, processes and its use in education and manufacturing.
  • Protection and proper usе of natural resources.
  • Historical dynamics and intellectual culture of society in regional and global context.
  • Language and literature as the main intellectual values: social and cultural; linguistic and cultural; cognitive and educational aspects.
  • Current financial and legal discourse formation issues.
  • Psychological and pedagogical resources for optimizing the interaction of subjects of the educational system.
  • History, theory and practice of visual arts.
  • Designing and modeling of the subject-spatial area by means of design, visual and decorative arts.
  • Formation of physical education and healthy lifestyle of a person.
  The Proceedings are planned to be published by the beginning of the conference.

For the participation in the conference

You must check-in on the official website of the conference no later than March 18, 2024. Follow the link https://conf.vsu.by/ and fill in the form, attach and send to the organizing committee the following files:
– application for the participation in the conference (with a photo of the supervisor's signature) in RTF format, the file name application_Ivanov.rtf;
– e-version of the report up to 2 pages of printed RTF text, the file name Ivanov.rtf ;
– photo results of the text uniqueness check in «Antiplagiat» (https://www.antiplagiat.ru), the text uniqueness must be at least 50%.

Receiving of the files will be confirmed by the organizatiom committee message sent to the email indicated during the check-in.

If for some reason the confirmation is not obtained, the applicant shall check-in again or contact the organization committee (sno@vsu.by).  

Reports which do not correspond the scientific area of the conference, presented with the violation of the requirements, sent later than the deadline, and those which failed «Antiplagiat» test are not considered and are not sent back.

The decision on the report editing is taken by the editorial board.  

Submission of applications and materials: by March 18, 2024. .

Receiving of the files will be confirmed by the organizatiom committee message sent to the email indicated during the check-in.

Plenary and Breakout Sessions 26.04.2024 г..

The Proceedings are planned to be published by the beginning of the conference.

Materials accepted for publication will be printed free of charge.

Registration complete.

Svetlana V. Chubaro

Conference coordinator,
Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor